12.5.2. Removal and installation of the block of a safety cushion
Removal of a driver's safety cushion
Arrangement of elements of security systems in salon
The accident sensor for security systems
Fastening of a safety cushion of the forward passenger
Block of a head safety cushion
Removal of the block of a side safety cushion
Removal of the control unit of security systems
- Read and follow instructions on security measures at the address with a safety cushion.
- Disconnect a negative cable (-) of the rechargeable battery.
- Isolate plugs of the rechargeable battery.
- Unblock the mechanism of adjustment of provision of a steering column.
- You will put forward a steering wheel (2) as far as it is possible and pull it up. Establish vertically, address an illustration
the Driver's safety cushion.
- Unscrew one of two T30 (1) Torx screws.
- Turn a steering wheel half way back and unscrew the second Torx (1) screw.
- Disunite the socket of the block of a safety cushion (4).
- Disunite the socket of a sound signal (6).
- Put the block of a safety cushion (5) so that the shock party of a pillow showed up.
- Join sockets (4) and (6) and fix them lock brackets (the distinct click has to be heard).
- You watch that any cable did not adjoin to the generator of gas and that the cable was not pressed.
- Put a safety cushion cable in the form of a loop at the left.
- Put a cable of a sound signal in a loop.
- Tighten screws (1) the moment of 7 Nanometers, address an illustration the Driver's safety cushion.
- Include ignition.
- Attach a negative cable of the rechargeable battery.
At connection of the rechargeable battery in interior of the car there should not be people. |